Welcome to my Web-111 Portfolio.

Here you can view Assignments and Projects completed for this class.

Please forward any comments to me via email by pressing the Contact button above.

Thanks for visiting my site.

Honey bee

Designers Statement

I believe in continually learning and expanding my knowledge of computer and software technology.  I strive to make my designs functional, easy to use, and maintain. I think that a good design conveys information quickly, easily and flows in a logical sequence.
I like to use color to achieve balance and unity to produce simple functional designs.

I often look to nature for inspiration, interesting colors and shapes when working on a design project.  Nature has a way of producing some of the most interesting and efficient designs.

I also like to include humor in projects if it is appropriate as humor can reduce stress and hopefully put the user at ease.  I believe that a design project should be fun to produce and to use.